Take 15 people, terrified of heights, and ask them to jump out of a plane...

Posting date: 03 May 2019

The Stanton House team is facing their biggest challenge yet this September as they skydive for charity.

15 consultants and support staff from across our four UK offices are facing their fears on 7th September to raise money for EducAid which provides education, food and a place of safety to Sierra Leone's most vulnerable young people.

With a collective target of £6,000, the group hope to raise enough money to feed, school, medicate and home a whole class of children for a whole year.

Chief Customer Officer and co-founder Nick Eaves said: "I am incredibly proud of the Stanton House team for their huge efforts last year in raising money for such a brilliant cause. 

"From Hong Kong to the Yorkshire Peaks, the team pushed themselves to achieve feats of endurance worthy of sponsorship from friends and family and raised more than £20,000, enough to fund the building of a small school in Sierra Leone.

"It is a pleasure to contribute to such a life changing outcome for children in Sierra Leone, and to continue to support the wonderful people at EducAid and I'm both excited and terrified to be partaking in this year's charity challenge."

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