Motivating your most creative employees

Posting date: 15 Nov 2018

Motivating your employees can be a challenging task at the best of times but as individuals turn to self-employment and the creative turn to entrepreneurship, it’s time to engage your employees and encourage them to show their innovative side to drive growth and fend off disruption.

The following article offers guidance on how to highlight your creative staff and empower them to turn their creative ideas into innovations.

“Reward innovation: You get what you measure, so there’s no point in glorifying creativity and innovation if you then reward people for doing what they are told. Paying lip service to innovation will frustrate your creative employees, who will feel underutilised if you show indifference to their creative ideas and imaginations. Conversely, if you actually incentivise people to come up with new ideas, to think outside the box, and to devote some of their energy to improving existing processes, products, and services, you will notice that even those who are not naturally creative will attempt to do things differently and contribute to innovation."