Has the millennial focus changed?

Posting date: 17 Jan 2019

With just over a year until millennials form 50% of the workforce, companies are ramping up their recruitment efforts to attract and retain the cohort’s top talent but with the most spoken about generation interested in working for technology firms, start-ups and not much in between, SMEs and FMCG companies are struggling.

But, are businesses out of touch and resistant to the millennial take-over or has the focus of the millennial worker shifted?

When we think millennial, we think about the fads that have tarnished their generation. Instagram, vegan food, expensive coffee, unaffordable housing and trendy offices; but, is this what millennials think too?

Millennials are no longer interested in playing ping-pong in the kitchen, having organic treats delivered to the office or wearing jeans to work. 

Millennials want to be a part of a step-change. They want to be involved in decision-making for a company that’s exciting with an element of risk and on the cutting edge. They have also invested their efforts into working towards a green way of living but while the focus of millennials has shifted from materialistic to environmental have companies followed suit?

I’d like to hear from you. Has the millennial focus changed and do organisations need to do more to attract and retain a new type of conscious millennial? 

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