What is more important in an interim CFO; industry experience or competency?

Posting date: 03 Dec 2018

When it comes to accounting, popular belief has it that once you have a qualification under your belt and have grasped the basic principles, you can work in almost any industry. It’s a qualification that offers transferrable skills and a season ticket to career diversity.

Of course, when crossing the border into another sector there can be challenges but is the ability to move between sectors even a plausible reality for finance professionals?

While obstacles are expected it seems the requirement of relevant sector experience is an impossible hurdle to climb over for many and questions the transferability of a finance qualification.

I decided it was time to explore this issue in more detail and have created a white paper on the topic of competency vs. sector experience. The piece will unravel the reasons behind companies clinging onto sector experience and find the people who prove it’s a thing of the past.

If you would like to receive a copy of this paper please get in touch and join the conversation, what’s more important in an interim CFO, industry experience or competency?