Events at Stanton House

At Stanton House, we regularly run events and webinars to keep our clients and candidates well-informed on all things recruitment. 

Our events offer a wealth of insight for businesses of all sizes and across all industry sectors. In line with the trending topics in the sector, our specialist consultants run these sessions in conjunction with keynote speakers to further explore the impacts of these topics on the industry. 

We aim to provide in-depth, expert advice for business leaders to implement into their own organisation and HR or hiring managers to integrate into their recruitment processes. Watch this space for all our upcoming events and webinars, and be sure to register for those you are interested in or get in touch with us.


Change and Transformation: How to build and lead a winning team in 2023

Join our virtual roundtable, where change and transformation leaders share their challenges and successes when hiring teams, and how they then subsequently run the teams to achieve maximum ROI to the business. 

We have chosen to exclusively invite only a small group of leaders in this space to provide a safe place under Chatham House rules, to discuss and share current and past experiences in confidence. Spaces are therefore limited.

When? Weds 1st March 2023 9:00 - 10:30am (GMT)
Where? Online

Neurodiversity at Work: Are you missing out on exceptional talent?

We  Join our webinar to hear our guest speaker, HR professional and neurodiversity champion, Mealine Francies, who will be taking us through: 

  • What is neurodiversity and what are the conditions which come under this umbrella
  • The strengths and challenges of those with neurodivergent conditions
  • The extent to which neurodiverse talent is an untapped talent pool
  • How can we adapt the recruitment process to be more accessible from talent attraction through to selection, onboarding and development
  • The importance of a 'neurodiversity lens' and key takeaways for hiring managers

When? Mon 13th March 2023 15:30 - 16:45pm (GMT) / 09:30 - 10:45am (CST)
Where? Online

Learn more Register here

Road to CFO - Overcoming barriers as a woman in Finance

We are delighted to announce that we are hosting an in-person Women in Finance event in March 2023. We will be discussing topics such as:

  • How do you overcome barriers as a woman on your road to CFO?
  • How can you deal with the negative language you might encounter?
  • How do you make sure you have a voice in the room?
  • How do you juggle family life and your career?

When? Weds 1st March 2023 9:00 - 10:30am (GMT)
Where? Lillibrooke Manor & Barns, SL6 3LP

Learn more Learn more

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