What should a Data Scientist do to get noticed?

Posting date: 22 Jan 2019

I have been exploring the idea of the Ideal Data Scientist and have surveyed more than 1,000 people in my network to see; in their eyes, what they think that person might look like.

I meet with organisations daily who are all on a quest to improve their technology offering and find their very own version of the perfect Data Scientist but with each presenting a completely unique picture of who that might be, I'm definitely questioning if the ideal Data Scientist even exists.

Some require a professional with a PhD and further post-doctorate while others prefer a person without a degree or commercial experience but while the requirements change massively in terms of education and social behaviour, I was keen to explore what they believed a Data Scientist should do to stand out from the crowd.

The answer predominantly lays within upskilling with 83% of respondents stating the ideal Data Scientist must train themselves in how to use new programmes, software or learning. A further 46% expect professionals to speak at relevant events and another 44% claim they should contribute to content or white papers.  

Others believe the perfect professional uses their knowledge for the greater good by educating their colleagues on the data products they develop to promote awareness, usage and future responsibility while some expect them to be expert in relevant social media accounts.

While I am starting to paint a picture of who the ideal Data Scientist might be, I’d like to hear from you and find out what you think they should do to stand out from the crowd. 

So, what should a Data Scientist do to get noticed? Join the conversation and download a copy of our insight paper focused on the future of Data Science.