Do you remember your childhood learnings?

Posting date: 20 Nov 2019

Within the talent realm we often come back to our childhood experiences. Nature vs nurture, the thought-processes ingrained from early influences, and the habits we picked up along the way. While, I’m a firm believer in the ideology that we are shaped by our early years experiences - I had almost forgotten my own.

I went to a school that focused on pausing, we practised meditation at the beginning and end of every lesson which amounted to maybe 20, 30-second pauses each day. While I didn’t necessarily appreciate it at the time, I recently attended a conference in Berlin which made me fully reflect on this powerful tool that I had side-lined all of these years. 

The Berlin Change Days 2019 Conference really emphasised the power of being present and how any change starts from within. This echoed almost everything I had ever learned during childhood and combined all of my current thoughts and feelings around my own emotional awareness – if you do not take the time to fully pause and reflect on your learnings, how can you positively react and try to influence change?

I would love to hear how your recent experiences may have brought back early learnings or how you try to remain present every day. Please join the conversation – Do you remember your childhood learnings?