Are we moving in the right direction?

Posting date: 25 Jan 2019

Last night I had the pleasure of speaking at my fourth CIPD event about the evolution of recruitment and how we deal with future challenges.

I was surrounded by astounding professionals from the HR industry who joined me to hear about the ways in which social media, online advertising and artificial intelligence are changing the way we attract and retain talent. 

I spent some time comparing the past, present and future states of recruitment to see how basic functions have evolved and what chance we stand at mastering new tools. 

Taking the past as an example, we had the introduction of social media and slowly began to use online advertising to source candidates while in the present, we have already adapted these tools and used them to narrow down our search criteria.

We now invest our time in searching for liquid skills, a person’s adaptability to artificial intelligence and explore their physiological behaviours while as a profession, we have become expert in using social media for attraction, particularly within the passive market and algorithms, video interviewing and VR for selection methodology.

While we lead the way in sophisticated recruiting – Does the future allow for another easy transition?

We will see an increase in automation such as chatbots and gamification, Big Data will offer enhanced analytics, Blockchain will grant us enhanced process management, referencing and potentially the end of CVs and we will have more intrusive attractive methodology while we explore how we can use biometrics, physiological elements and possibly even DNA profiling in our selection process where research has already gained significant traction - but of course, the ethical debate will remain problematic. 

As Oscar Wilde famously noted: ‘To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect’ but are we moving in the right direction?

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